
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Faith, or Fear,

it's astounding the things that cause us to fail, even more so when we may know the cause of our failures, yet we do nothing to change the course of our life's.  Are we waiting on some great miracle to come to our aid?
In the Presidential election of President Obama, he promised change and that there would be struggles in achieving the goals he had laid out.  It took years to bring our Nation to the point where he became President,   Now keep in mind we all knew the promises that were made, and that he did say it would not happen overnight, yet six to seven months into his election, people started to  have doubt, then came the panic and fair,  I believe it was  James Allen that said
" Fear and Faith are directly opposite views of the future and they cannot co-exist and they cannot be present at the same time." So what will it be feast or famine?    To change simply takes something as simple as changing the way we THINK.
Were it not for the panic and fear of the 1929 stock Market crash it would not have been as severe as it became, so are we about to repeat the same thing all over again?  In an earlier post on my facebook Fan page I wrote,  "We at times repeat or continue to have similar experiences in our life's, because we fail to get the Message, CHANGE"  as long as we continue to do  the same as we have always done, we will continue to get the same results, we have heard this over and over again, from many different sources, yet so many can't seem to get it, What will it take?  Total destruction of our country, our world, as we know it.
Fear was so rapine that  President Roosevelt, gave a speech that soon became famous.  " The only thing we have to fear is fear itself" 
"Thoughts of doubt and fear can never accomplish anything.   
  They always lead to failure ." As a Man Thinketh.
That quote was suggested by Napoleon Hill, Author of Think and Grow Rich The one book that has created more millionaires  than any other book or program ever published.   This book in its research took over twenty years, research that involved the wealthiest men of the times such as:

Charles M. Schwab  
Thomas  A. Edison
Arthur Nash 
Henry Ford
Theodore Roosevelt
John D, Rockefeller
William Wrigley Jr.
John W. Davis
F. W Woolworth
James J. Hill 
Wilbur Wright
Harris F. Williams
Elbert Hubbard
George S. Parker
J. G. Chapline
William Jennings Bryan
E. M. Statler
John H. Patterson
Henry L. Doherty
Dr. David Starr Jordan
William Howard Taft
George Eastman
U.S. Sen. Jennings Randolph
J. Odgen Armour 
Arthur Brisbane
and these are just some of the names of the hundreds  involved behind the research of the book Think and Grow Rich.   This book has been used to teach and motivate millions around the world to develop greater growth, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  
Those times it seems are up on us again, will we get the message?  Will we allow it to repeat again, maybe for the next generation, or do we TAKE ACTION NOW!   Available to those of you who are fortunate to have access to the information being shared with you today, is a FREE copy in Original context, of  Think and Grow Rich   as well access to a FREE VIDEO that at the moment has been removed for now due to the overwhelming response we have had.
The VIDEO will be up again in January were those that follow the VIDEO link, can REGISTER NOW, so they will not miss what may be the last opportunity to receive this information.   You will be the first to have an opportunity to take part in this program when it goes back on line in January,  The information that will be contained in the program will be as follows :
·  How you can get VERY rich during times of economic turmoil, even if you don't have a lot of money to invest...
·  What's going to happen in the economy during the next 6 to 36 months that will bankrupt 95% of the population, and how you can protect your wealth... (FACT: This has already happened in 30 different countries during the last 100 years, and TWICE in the US!)
·  How One person   increased his wealth by 118% since 2008, while most people lost 30-40% - and how you can do the same.
·  Why you'd have to be absolutely crazy to put your money in the stock market right now...
·  Roth IRA or 401K got you down? You'll learn about a secret "black-box" investment strategy the rich use to grow their money, and retire 100% tax free, even if the stock-market crashes to ZERO...
·  The top 5 challenges facing the US economy, and how to protect yourself from them.
·  How to make an extra $1,000 to $10,000/Mo as a "Publishing Partner" for The Elevation Group...
·  How you could have turned a simple $20,663 investment into $770,796.00 in just 9 years in 1980 - and even MORE this time...
·  What's going to happen soon that will make the price of silver jump from $25 per ounce, to $936, and gold from $1,380 per ounce, to $56,000...
·  How to ensure your children will grow up wealthy, even if you're poor today...
·  The easy way to buy cash-flow assets like apartment complexes, even if you don't know much about real-estate...
·  The 3 things you MUST HAVE IMMEDIATELY if you want to profit from the largest wealth transfer in human history, that's taking place RIGHT NOW... And MUCH, MUCH, MORE!

To Your Success
Paul Elliott

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Think and Grow Rich

Yesterday on my face book fan page I ask the question,
What does the topic Think and grow Rich means to you?
For so many I have spoken to they simply think it is a
book about getting Rich.

Yes Think an grow Rich has helped Millions  of
people to attain great wealth, more than any other
book or program that has ever been published,
but it is so much more than just material wealth
that is being tough here.

Here are a few things covered in The Book

1. Reasons why a man's wife can either make or break him.

2. The Uselessness of Wealth Without Women
      Now think about this for a moment, and consider
      the stories of broken marriages of Hollywood,
      Your answers will be found with in the book.
3. The mighty Force of  SLOW GROWTH
4. The Brain
5. Organized planning and much more.

"ANYBODY  can wish for riches, and most people
do, but only a few know that a definite plan,
plus a burning desire for wealth, are the only
dependable means of accumulating wealth"

Keep in mind this book was written after some
20 years or research and in the Economic collapse
of the 30's There were those who rose above the
challenges of the time to achieve great wealth,
based on the principals tough in this book.
To Your Success
Paul Elliott

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Economic Collapse ?

Of the six greatest fears of man, the one most prominent
is the fear of Poverty.   In the coming year and the years ahead
there will be a great shift in our economy as we know it, and for those
not paying attention be forewarned, it's already started.
Unemployment going into the third week of October  was in excess
of some  500,000 new claims  and the numbers are getting higher,
not to mention  350,000 Foreclosures in July alone.

The outcome for many will  be possible  bankruptcy, and in addition
the creation of two classes of people, the wealthy and those left 
What will make the greatest difference in the outcome  for you and
your families is to be educated  on what's happening and what's to
come, rather than living in FEAR, did I mention, fear is  of the seven
greatest negative and destructive emotions.

NOW that I have given you the negative side of things, PLEASE allow me a
moment to give you the upside of all this.
For every negative that exist, the positive will also exist, but often times,
we become so focused on the negative, we miss the resolve to what
we seek, which is immediately  present.
Do you realize that the greatest wealth has been created in times of
This is evident throughout history, and in coming years will be more
prominent  than any other time in this country's  History.
For me and my family we'll be prepared, and I Now, offer you
what may be your resolve, BUT you must act and do so NOW! 
It's said that opportunity knocks but once a life time, if that be
You Must ACT NOW.  This VIDEO explains.
To Your Success  
Paul Elliott

P.S. Want a Free Think and Grow Rich Book?
It's Already Created a Million Millionaires
I've Got a Copy Reserved For You At