
Tuesday, December 27, 2011


While the love of money is the starting point of  evil, most misunderstand the meaning Money is the root of all evil, having grown up in the church I've never heard it explain from the pulpit fully how it should be interpreted. While they're riches greater than money, money matters and makes a great deal of difference.  
What matters is how you view money, is it about Power and control, or is a tool, is a means of bettering one's life in the form of trade for goods and services.   Money in itself is NOT EVIL  and for so many who live there life's with a poverty consciousness, simply because they lack the understanding that their beliefs about the subject is what is paralyzing them.

If you are among those who would use the phrase, MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL, don't say it unless you fully intend to explain it, what you're saying impact life's, and  in ways you may never understand, and if you are of some authority, keep in mind how, what you say will impact others.  

"When a man is down and out and on the street, unable to get any job at all,
something happens to his spirit which can be observed in the droop of his
shoulders, the set of his hat, his walk and his gaze. He cannot escape a
feeling of inferiority among people with regular employment, even though he
knows they are definitely not his equals in character, intelligence or ability".
Think and Grow Rich

For those finding them self's in a predicament such as this, they will often find even his or her friends seeing them self's as superior to you and viewing you as a casualty.
They are  employers who seek to take  advantage of those who may be down and out rather than seeing them as a asset to their business.  Instead they offer wages intended to keep you down , showing one example of greed which leads to that evil derived from money.
This is the type of ignorance in business that leads to our present economy issues. Yes it's a way that will work for awhile, Then what we repeat the cycle again in another 70-80 Years.

Friday, December 23, 2011


I n the days of the great depression many saw their situation as one without hope , they saw turmoil, a country that was falling apart, similar to what we see today, joblessness, poverty,  and many may laugh at the fact that there is a possibility a very strong possibility of seeing high food prices on the shelf's, and no one having the money to buy anything.
The Rich get richer and the poor get poorer, yes this will happen for awhile, simply out of greed, and for a race considered the smartest on the planet, we don't seem to get the picture, what we are facing is repetitious, it's happened before and will continue happening until we get the message.  Have you ever experience things in your life that just seems to keep repeating and wonder why?   It's simple, we haven't  learned,  and until we do, it will keep repeating till we get it, or we destroy our self's .
We live in a Universe that was created with balance, as one may surmise in our food chain, when there is an imbalance nature reacts to that imbalance, to bring things back to order/ balance.
as I've said before, among all animals, creatures, being, we are of the most intelligence at lease we were intended to be but it seems , throughout history we are of the most foolish, with our ignorance, greed,  hate and rage.  you've heard the phrase "why can't we all get along"  Why can't we?   We live a life always trying to be one up on the other rather than working together  for a common good.  One country over the other one religion over the other, with the end result being war.
The great depression has been said to be a blessing in disguise, reducing us to a new starting point in life giving the world a fresh starting point, allowing everyone new and greater opportunities. When your back is against the wall it forces one to think, to create, opening our minds to other possibilities.
So here is the thing, OPEN YOUR MIND, stop holding on to what you have been lead to believe all your life's, we are all intended for growth, to excel, to learn, to change, none of which can happen with a closed mind.  
Everything that is happening around us is happening for a reason, except it , learn from it, explore all the possibilities, and you may  excelling to heights  you may have never though possible.  

Helping you to Build a Better Tomorrow

Friday, August 19, 2011


Rare Webinar Reveals How To Create (Or Recover), Incredible Wealth During Today's Economic Crisis...

You will learn about the investment strategies of the Ultra Rich
The information that will be contained in the program will be as follows :

How you can get VERY rich during times of economic turmoil, even if you don't have a lot of money to invest...

What's going to happen in the economy during the next 6 to 36 months that will bankrupt 95% of the population, and how you can protect your wealth... (FACT: This has already happened in 30 different countries during the last 100 years, and TWICE in the US!)

How One person   increased his wealth by 118% since 2008, while most people lost 30-40% - and how you can do the same.

Why you'd have to be absolutely crazy to put your money in the stock market right now...

Roth IRA or 401K got you down? You'll learn about a secret "black-box" investment strategy the rich use to grow their money, and retire 100% tax free, even if the stock-market crashes to ZERO...

The top 5 challenges facing the US economy, and how to protect yourself from them.

How you could have turned a simple $20,663 investment into $770,796.00 in just 9 years in 1980 - and even MORE this time...

What's going to happen soon that will make the price of silver jump from $25 per ounce, to $936, and gold from $1,380 per ounce, to $56,000...

How to ensure your children will grow up wealthy, even if you're poor today...
The easy way to buy cash-flow assets like apartment complexes, even if you don't know much about real-estate...

The 3 things you MUST HAVE IMMEDIATELY if you want to profit from the largest wealth transfer in human history, that's taking place RIGHT NOW... And MUCH, MUCH, MORE!

4 Upcoming dates, with 250 seat for each so Please register NOW 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Life will give you no more than you’ve ask for

Why is it for so many that attend church week after week they never seem to have any great accomplishments in life other than their normal 9 to 5 work week, some may become very involved in the church, yet still never amount to any great financial gain.   Are they being taught that money is the root of all evil, so they choose not to seek wealth?
Yes they know the bible, they can quote the chapters and verses in the bible yet over the years still no change, they believe in God, God who does great things, then why not in their lives?
God is Great God is Good, I’ve always heard, then why? Why not up lift his people, or is that just for special people or maybe just the educated?   Is it that we need to be perfect to receive god's grace ?
If no change is being brought to our lives then why are we going to church?

Now for those who maybe thinking this guy is preaching maybe so but this is as real for non believers’ as it is for believers’ failure lack of knowledge, and lack of faith exist on both side of the door.

Through out life we are constantly being conditioned and often times being conditioned by or parents who were taught by our grand parents and this trend kept on capitulating from one generation to the other, as we grow we say that’s the way my father or mother taught me so we feel that we are right, because they were right.
We are born to different circumstance in life and as so, we adapt to those circumstances for survival wrong or right.  
Now I’m not saying everything we were taught was wrong there are many common sense things such as, basic principals of life.  Back to my point,
In Church we are taught to have faith, but not how to achieve faith, and so many again under that conditioning put a limit on faith, yes faith in God but what about faith in self, and our ability to achieve, again let me state, this hold true weather you’re a member of a church or not, as a Christian I use the church as an example because that is something important or relevant to my life.
There are no limitations that can be place on faith, you either have it or you don’t, with out it we would accomplish very little in life.
Using God as reference once again, the one place where there should be a lot of faith there isn’t (Church) and the reason so many with in the church seem to live a life of mediocrity and excepts it, is because they do not ask they simple except, (excepting the Bible as God’s word is a given, but to the best of my knowledge I don’t remember the bible saying that God dictates every step of our life’s, while he knows each step we take, our path is of our own making.) and I often here, it is Gods will, maybe God doesn’t want that for me, this is where God has lead me, HOW DO YOU KNOW! They did not ask they simple except and every time I here this it makes me bubble. God does not act in our life’s until we ask of him to do so, Things will not change in our life until we take action,  make a plan and take action this is not something we haven’t heard, present it to the universe which for me is GOD ask for what you want, start working towards it the Universe will come to your aid.

The world is full of scams and those who seek to take advantage of  us who are honest.
So those who would choose to be a part of that world of deception and thievery,  keep this in mind, while the Universe will give  to you that which you ask, good or bad,  the present economy serves as a lesson to those who would choose bad or to take advantage of others  less fortunate.
Our present economy in short is the end result of greed, not because of the actions of our President, as many would like us to believe, it all started way before he was even elected and he was not the cause.

The companies that fell due to greed, the Bernie Madoff’s that lived in a lap of luxury at the expense of others now live in a life of seclusion. For those yet to be discovered it is only a matter of time, but for now, trust me they live a life of stress,  looking over their shoulders, and wondering.  They may be living a life of wealth, but not a life with happiness.             

 We were condition in thinking if we belong to certain social classes, work hard go to school then you will have success, and as important as school is to our life’s and success, that statement is not always true.                                                  

 we get married have children, another condition of success we are taught or lead to believe.
What is Success?  As said by the great  Earl Nightingale  success is the progressive  realization of a worthy  ideal. 

What will become your Success?  How will you treat your fellow man in attaining that success?
Start your day out by remembering this one fact, What you do to and for another you do to and for yourself, for as sure as you live and breathe it will come back to you. 

To Your Success
Paul Elliott

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

27,000 added to unemployment benefits

In the past year I've had friends and relatives in high paying jobs, succumb to foreclosure, Myself some four years ago received a pink slip due to cut backs, which for me reinforced the fact that working for someone else relinquishes control of your life to a great extent to someone else.
There is and will continue to be a decline in the dollar, gas prices are escalating, food prices are on the rise and if not in your area it will soon be.   The economy is on the verge of being at a point it hasn't been since the 30's and this may very well be the worst economic pit fall we have ever seen not just here in the United states but the world.
So the question is what will be your resolve?
What other signs will you stand waiting for?
What will it take for your call to action?
Will it be a medical bill that devastates your family, your company being down sized, an eviction notice from the bank to vacate your home.
Let your call to action be NOW get the information you need to better make decisions for the future of your loved ones. Protect your future and theirs.  

Educate your self's on your Future

Monday, March 21, 2011

Why Prepare For Emergencies

Whether or not we choose to believe in God, most of us would admit there are many signs of unusual things going on in the world.
For one thing, the economy is at a crisis point. So much has happened all over the world especially since 911 that should alert us to have our eyes open.
Changes are coming. Be forewarned and prepared. Take the time to plan for your future and that of your loved ones.
While nobody knows what tomorrow will bring, the point I’d like to make is that we should hope for the best and at the same time, plan for the worst.
The world is changing at such a rapid rate. There is chaos and disaster everywhere, but with these also come great opportunities for you and your family. All you need to do is to know where to find and how to take advantage of these openings.
The best investment opportunities are found in times of greatest chaos, which is why it appears the smart money is buying into Japan right now, when most investors are selling.
I am saddened by the recent disaster in Japan. So many lives have been lost and so much damage has occurred. What can I do to help? I can pray for those who have lost their loved ones and I can learn from what has happened. I can also do my part to help those that struggle to rebuild their lives.
That being said, let me repeat, it has been proved throughout history that these are also times of the greatest opportunities.   "For every negative there is a positive"
Not only must you be prepared financially but also consider how our food supplies  will be affected in the coming years.
 Set yourself up for peace of mind for the future! View this 90 MINUTE VIDEO and TAKE ACTION

My Best
Paul Elliott

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Fall from Grace

It's said that in falling is when we learn to a greater extent and
excel to greater endeavors, truth is yes in falling we do learn the
hard way, and for most we tend not to repeat our mistakes, BUT, do
we really have to fall in order to achieve?

No we don't, enough men, and women have fallen and revealed the truth
to us there by leaving us with their knowledge, and wisdom to teach us
about the realities of life.
As humans we have a tendency to follow those we admire, those we look
up to, Friends, or family members, we admire their life styles,  there
way of life as we see it.  But do we really see it?

In following this trend or path we see the superficial, rather than the
reality, we never see those things that lurk behind the scene.

The point or moral of this is that we should follow our own paths, not the
paths of others yes there are things about those we love and admire that
we can emulate, but chose your path in life and in so doing chose to be
better as opposed to equal to.
As a parent I don't want my sons to be my equal I want them to be better
then, because I want the best for them, their generation and their future,
in asking them or expecting them to be like me I'm asking them to repeat my
mistakes in life.
My eldest son has faced many challenges in his life since he was two years
old, and he continues to do so, and I couldn't  be more proud, for the simple
fact is he never gives up.
My youngest since he was ten or eleven years old he would ask me what was
my record for doing various things in sports during school,
and I would always respond, you haven't  reached it yet, and he would keep
pushing and pushing until he had surpassed those records or goals once held.
At that point during his high school years when I knew he had excelled
beyond that which I  had achieved, I would still say, You haven't reached it yet.  
I may not have been the best Father, but the end result is having two sons, I
couldn't be more proud of.
At the age of 27,or there about , my father gave me as a gift, a book he had
purchased at the age of 35, after receiving that book, I never read past
the title for more than 10 years, I saw it as being no more than a get
rich scheme.

It wasn't unlit I had lost everything I had owned that I began to read,
THINK AND GROW RICH  in addition to this book, were the people that influenced
my life, my  uncle who taught me that if I'm going to do anything,
a mentor, Michael Solomon, who tough me by watching him, not only Business,
but the meaning of giving your Word, simply in a hand shake, The Morris family
that took me as a part of their family, and tough by example to fight for what I
believe if I know it to be true.

I did not choose to follow them, but from each I took something, that I
emulated into my own life, and created a path I am now on,
a path I hope will  impact the lives of millions for the better. 
In Life there can be several mentors but these are those that have solidified
the course of my life, and to whom I'll  be forever grateful.

You don't have to fall to grow, but for those of us who have fallen, and learned
from our mistakes, we've learned the hard way, the sky is the limit.
For those who may not choose to believe, GOD is in the life's of many, Placing
people within our med that will sculpt our characters if only we allow it to be so.
Choose your path in life, and follow with your heart and mind, you'll be surprised
those that will come to you once your path has been chosen, that will aid you
in reaching your goals in life.
Other than the Bible, Think and Grow Rich, is the one Book that has influenced 
my life than any other.

To Your Success